December 28, 2014

New Year, New Supplies

Just a reminder to students and families
that when we go back to school next week, many students will need their school supplies replenished. The most important items are pencils, a good sharpener, and white board markers! In addition, some students also need a ruler and scissors at their desks. 

December 21, 2014

Holiday Party

We will celebrate the holidays, including Ella's birthday on the 23rd, which is a half day... Mrs. Lawson, Ella's mom, is making hot chocolate and we can have a few treats. It is also our Holiday Sweater Day and BYOGFH day (bring your own game from home). Dismissal is at 11:15, and we have a lot of fun to pack in! Then VACATION!!!

P.S. Thank you Mrs. Lawson!