Last year the Manchester School District, including our school, adopted the Reader's Writer's Workshop model for teaching language arts. This year we will continue using the program and have more time to use it to it's fullest potential because we have omitted the Enrichment (RTI block). Here is what our schedule will be during the Reader's Workshop.
The Structure of the Reader's & Writer'sWorkshop
During the next portion of the Reader's Workshop, about 40 minutes, students are reading independently. They read self-selected books which are at their independent reading level. They will practice the skill I taught during the mini lesson and also write some responses to what they have been reading. Also, during that time they may participate in a teacher guided reading group, book talk, computer based program, or a reading conference with me.
For the last piece to the workshop, we gather together for about 10-15 minutes for the closing to discuss how students applied the new reading skill today. We enjoy a discussion and may pair-share again to talk about reading accomplishments, questions, and progress.
The Writer's Workshop follows a similar structure: mini lesson, independent work session, and closing. During the largest part of the workshop we will be drafting, conferencing, revising, editing, and publishing our writing.
The Structure of the Reader's & Writer'sWorkshop
We will begin each workshop with a 10-15 minute mini lesson. I will model a reading strategy or skill for students. During the lesson I will demonstrate how the students can practice the skill with a book. This often involves a read aloud where we examine text structure or focus on a particular theme. Then students pair-share, to talk and process the new concept together with a peer.
During the next portion of the Reader's Workshop, about 40 minutes, students are reading independently. They read self-selected books which are at their independent reading level. They will practice the skill I taught during the mini lesson and also write some responses to what they have been reading. Also, during that time they may participate in a teacher guided reading group, book talk, computer based program, or a reading conference with me.
For the last piece to the workshop, we gather together for about 10-15 minutes for the closing to discuss how students applied the new reading skill today. We enjoy a discussion and may pair-share again to talk about reading accomplishments, questions, and progress.
The Writer's Workshop follows a similar structure: mini lesson, independent work session, and closing. During the largest part of the workshop we will be drafting, conferencing, revising, editing, and publishing our writing.

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