February 11, 2016


Tonight's KidBlog should be a letter to the main character if your book is fiction. If your book is nonfiction, do a top ten list.

Desk Dimensions: Project Due March 4th

State Plates...
Beautiful Job!

And lastly, some fun with fractions!

Lemonade Stand

Getting ready for our trip to Enterprise City!

February 9, 2016

Steaming Towards a Deluxe Desk

STEM-logo (1).png
Don't forget the A for art!!

Deluxe Desk S.T.E.A.M Challenge
Is your desk blah? Boring, crowded, or uncomfortable? Upgrade it! Using the premises of science, technology, engineering, art, and math, redesign your desk based on the measurements below. You can use any materials you like to make your desk awesome, more comfortable, or whatever you feel is important!

Possible Supply list, but not limited to these only:
Fabric, stuffing, needle, thread, Lego, insulated wire, batteries, motor, switch, duct tape, cardboard, paint, electronics as needed, arts/crafts supplies

*You must be able to undo your creation at a later date… In other words, we cannot damage any chairs or desks in the process of our creations or final products.

Be ready with your creation/invention for March 4th! Also, prepare an advertisement (either print or video) and explain your final product using persuasive language.  

February 4, 2016

How to Make an Origami Exploding Envelope

Valentine's can be homemade... just saying! Either way, try following this tutorial!

February 2, 2016

Mock Election

Update--- >Results!
Green Acres choose Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush!