August 22, 2017

Welcome to Fifth Grade!

I am so excited to meet everyone in about a week and a half! Looking at the class list, I am thrilled to see many names I recognize.  I also some see some I don't recognize, but I have heard wonderful things from previous teachers!

This will be my 16th year teaching. Teaching 5th grade is special because I get to see all a child has learned in elementary school and see what they need before they go on to middle school. It's like put the finishing touches on a unique project that will evolve even more!

As we start the year, one of our first projects will be designing a bulletin board. We will be taking some SELFIES!  I'm sure that's a subject many of you would get an A+ in! Be thinking of a goal you have based on one word. Such as HONESTY, CREATIVE, MOTIVATED, RESPONSIBLE... You get the idea. Then you are going to chose a quote to go with the word. Sometimes finding the quote is easier to do first! Here are a few links to help you search out the perfect quote.

We are going to layer the selfie, word, goal, and quote in a Google Slide. Then we are going to print on our classes fabulous color printer... Should be a great intro computer and language arts lesson. Setting goals for the year is important! Search out a quote that means a lot to you and represents a goal you have or believe is a good one! 

Here are a few examples from last year!

Cannot wait to meet you all!