October 18, 2014

Book Blog & Million Word Challenge Update

I make students blog about their independent reading every week. So I guess occasionally I should do a book blog too! We've been reading a book called Schooled in class. It's by Gordon Kormon, he is a coauthor and creator of the 39 Clues series. That was a surprise to me... I have seen those books everywhere for the last few years. I realized that he wrote the series with Rick Riordin, and several other terrific authors!  

Anyway, back to Schooled! The books has a very relevant theme: bullying. I think it's so important to make sure kids understand that doing the right thing is not always easy. The characters in the book are dynamic and it is rich with vocabulary and humor as well.  Here is a link to the author's website if anyone is interested in reading any of his other books.

Students can add Schooled to their reading logs in class.  At this point in the year students who are on track to read a million words, have read right around 6-7 chapter books or 1,400 pages. We say a book is right around 200 pages.  Students should have a blog entry on KidBlog for each independent reading book that they read at home/school.

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