May 28, 2015

Explorer Project and Links


Explorers Project Due: 6/12/15
Research your explorer that you picked in class. Fill out the graphic organizer neatly.

Choice 1
Map of Exploration:  Draw a map on poster board that shows this explorer’s most famous route.  

Include the following details:  
  • Destination point
  • Oceans
  • Countries
  • Red line showing the route
  • Compass rose
  • Key
  • Labels

Glue your graphic organizer onto the poster board. Make sure you poster is neat, colorful, detailed, and accurate!

Choice 2
Research your explorer that you picked in class. Fill out the graphic organizer neatly. Create a ship out of materials of your choice (cardboard, paper mache, lego, etc.)

On each of the ship’s sails include:
  • Name of Explorer
  • Date of Exploration
  • Country or sponsor
  • Reasons for Exploration
  • Destination
  • Accomplishments
  • Other interesting facts/info if there are more sails

May 6, 2015

Upcoming Dates

May 8 Progress Reports

May 21-22 Memorial Day Concert

May 27 Chorus Field Trip

June 3 Grade 5 Step Up day @ McLaughlin

June 10  Dress rehearsal for grade 5 play (AM) Live performance at night 6:30

June 11  Dress rehearsal for grade 5 play (AM) Live performance at night 6:30

June 12 Grade 5 play performed for the entire school

June 15 Field Day

June 16 Rain date for Field Day

June 15 or 16 (depending on Field Day) MWC Assembly (PM)

June 18 .. Grade 5 BBQ and game day