May 28, 2015

Explorer Project and Links


Explorers Project Due: 6/12/15
Research your explorer that you picked in class. Fill out the graphic organizer neatly.

Choice 1
Map of Exploration:  Draw a map on poster board that shows this explorer’s most famous route.  

Include the following details:  
  • Destination point
  • Oceans
  • Countries
  • Red line showing the route
  • Compass rose
  • Key
  • Labels

Glue your graphic organizer onto the poster board. Make sure you poster is neat, colorful, detailed, and accurate!

Choice 2
Research your explorer that you picked in class. Fill out the graphic organizer neatly. Create a ship out of materials of your choice (cardboard, paper mache, lego, etc.)

On each of the ship’s sails include:
  • Name of Explorer
  • Date of Exploration
  • Country or sponsor
  • Reasons for Exploration
  • Destination
  • Accomplishments
  • Other interesting facts/info if there are more sails

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