August 19, 2015

School Supply List

The #1 school supply you need for 5th grade is the Five Star/Five Subject notebook. Please try to get the Five Star rather than a different brand because it is durable and should last the year! I will have a few extras on hand for those who were unable to get all the supplies! 

Students will need:

  • Five Star/ Five Subject Notebook
  • pencils
  • erasers
  • colored pens & white out
  • highlighter
  • ruler
  • dry erase markers
  • glue sticks
  • markers 
  • sticky notes (various sizes)
  • duct tape, any color style

We also need tissues and Clorox wipes as the district doesn't provide these for classrooms. 

From time to time we may need other supplies as certain projects come up. For our first project we need felt, led lights, and batteries. More info. and specifics...coming soon!

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