April 10, 2019

  • 4/12 Field trip to the Currier Gallery of Art 9-12  
  • Tall & Small Dance 6:30pm-8pm (parent required)
  • 4/18 Wax Museum 1:15 (parents welcome)
  • 4/22-4/26 April Vacation
  • Ice Cream Social and Art Show. Both events will take place on Thursday, May 2nd.
  • 5/15 Fisher Cat's Game (Chaperones Needed Still)
  • 5/23 Memorial Day Concert 10:00 AM 
  • 5/24 Chorus field trip 11:40
  • 5/29 6th Grade Step Up Day 9:00-10:30
  • Winnie the Pooh: 5th Grade Play TBD

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