We are all so excited as the holiday vacation nears. A few things to note about this week and next:
Report Cards: Friday the 18th
5th Grade Holiday Concert: Friday 10:15
Holiday Party: Tuesday, 22nd afternoon -$5.00 Yankee Swap, please feel free to send refreshments if you would like!
Early Release: Wednesday, 23rd Ugly/Beautiful Holiday Sweater Day, BYOBG (bring your own board game!)
December 14, 2015
November 30, 2015
November 13, 2015
November 11, 2015
Native American Resources
Here are some good sites to start your research. Please avoid Wikipedia!
Here are some fun ideas for extra credit you could do along with your report!
- Make a Native American piece of art like a dream catcher, jewelry, or picture
- Cook a Native American recipe
- Plan a Native American Game or Activity
- Make a Native American Dwelling or Village
- Interview a Native American
- Make a slide show to go along with your report
- Share your tribe's music with the class
November 1, 2015
October 21, 2015
Volunteers Needed!
I am still looking for two more chaperones for our field trip next Thursday to the Lego Discovery Center in Somerville, MA. Please let me know if you are willing to go!
October 17, 2015
Thanks for Helping to Make the Walkathon a Success
We raised about $1500! Students had a great time and this will help to ensure a great end of the year celebration! Thanks to parents, grand-parents and all who were able to pledge!
October 13, 2015
This Friday, October 16th is our fundraiser walk-a-thon. We are really hoping that students will ask family members to donate to support our end of the activities. Our students and fifth grade team are look forward to end of the year fun such as the barbecue, play, and yearbook! Any help is appreciated!
Also, please turn in permission slips and field trip money ($10.00), by this Friday. We are looking forward to a great field trip on the 29th!
October 8, 2015
September 22, 2015
September 21, 2015
September 17, 2015
Book orders are due next Friday the 25th! Here is the class code if you would like to order online!
Also, one last request for school supplies... students could use earbuds (better than headphones). We have 6 computers that we are using for online reading programs. Students should have their own personal set to keep for when it is their turn on the computer.
Hope to see you at the Fall Family Picnic Tomorrow!
Oceans & Continents

Next Friday students have a quiz on the seven continents and five oceans. Yes, FIVE oceans! The Southern Ocean which borders Antarctica has been added since most of us learned this basic lesson when we were in school.
Here are a couple of links to games students can play to help them practice.
Are you a beginner, intermediate or expert? There's also a tutorial to watch.
September 10, 2015
August 19, 2015
School Supply List
The #1 school supply you need for 5th grade is the Five Star/Five Subject notebook. Please try to get the Five Star rather than a different brand because it is durable and should last the year! I will have a few extras on hand for those who were unable to get all the supplies!
Students will need:
- Five Star/ Five Subject Notebook
- pencils
- erasers
- colored pens & white out
- highlighter
- ruler
- dry erase markers
- glue sticks
- markers
- sticky notes (various sizes)
- duct tape, any color style
We also need tissues and Clorox wipes as the district doesn't provide these for classrooms.
From time to time we may need other supplies as certain projects come up. For our first project we need felt, led lights, and batteries. More info. and specifics...coming soon!
August 13, 2015
Guest Blogger Ella
Ella is a former student who posted this on her blog! I love her writing style!
Next Year's Class
By Ella on June 18th, 2015
Next year's class,
Hi! My name is
Ella and I am from last year's class. I just wanted to say a few things about your upcoming year. I'll give you a few tips and then tell you the best projects. This year you will probably do the Deluxe Desk project. That was my favorite project and I kept mine at school for the whole year. I also liked the plant/animal cell project with Legos.
5 tips I have for you, would be...
1) do all your work before the due date
2) Blog daily or weekly to keep off green
3) Don't get stuck in the drama (learned that the hard way)
4) Keep ahead of the game and learn your times tables, math problems, etc.
5) Be yourself and have fun! If anyone judges you, just don't care
Favorite projects were...
Categories: Blog
Created: Jun 18, 2015, 8:01pm Updated: Aug 13, 2015, 5:43am From:
Next Year's Class
By Ella on June 18th, 2015
Next year's class,
Hi! My name is
Ella and I am from last year's class. I just wanted to say a few things about your upcoming year. I'll give you a few tips and then tell you the best projects. This year you will probably do the Deluxe Desk project. That was my favorite project and I kept mine at school for the whole year. I also liked the plant/animal cell project with Legos.
5 tips I have for you, would be...
1) do all your work before the due date
2) Blog daily or weekly to keep off green
3) Don't get stuck in the drama (learned that the hard way)
4) Keep ahead of the game and learn your times tables, math problems, etc.
5) Be yourself and have fun! If anyone judges you, just don't care
Favorite projects were...
- Deluxe Desk
- Plant/animal cells
- Peep science
- Lego cars & more...
Categories: Blog
Created: Jun 18, 2015, 8:01pm Updated: Aug 13, 2015, 5:43am From:
June 25, 2015
June 7, 2015
May 28, 2015
Explorer Project and Links
Explorers Project Due: 6/12/15
Research your explorer that you picked in class. Fill out the graphic organizer neatly.
Choice 1
Map of Exploration: Draw a map on poster board that shows this explorer’s most famous route.
Include the following details:
- Destination point
- Oceans
- Countries
- Red line showing the route
- Compass rose
- Key
- Labels
Glue your graphic organizer onto the poster board. Make sure you poster is neat, colorful, detailed, and accurate!
Choice 2
Research your explorer that you picked in class. Fill out the graphic organizer neatly. Create a ship out of materials of your choice (cardboard, paper mache, lego, etc.)
On each of the ship’s sails include:
- Name of Explorer
- Date of Exploration
- Country or sponsor
- Reasons for Exploration
- Destination
- Accomplishments
- Other interesting facts/info if there are more sails
May 6, 2015
Upcoming Dates
May 8 Progress Reports
May 21-22 Memorial Day Concert
May 27 Chorus Field Trip
June 3 Grade 5 Step Up day @ McLaughlin
June 10 Dress rehearsal for grade 5 play (AM) Live performance at night 6:30
June 11 Dress rehearsal for grade 5 play (AM) Live performance at night 6:30
June 12 Grade 5 play performed for the entire school
June 15 Field Day
June 16 Rain date for Field Day
June 15 or 16 (depending on Field Day) MWC Assembly (PM)
June 18 .. Grade 5 BBQ and game day
May 21-22 Memorial Day Concert
May 27 Chorus Field Trip
June 3 Grade 5 Step Up day @ McLaughlin
June 10 Dress rehearsal for grade 5 play (AM) Live performance at night 6:30
June 11 Dress rehearsal for grade 5 play (AM) Live performance at night 6:30
June 12 Grade 5 play performed for the entire school
June 15 Field Day
June 16 Rain date for Field Day
June 15 or 16 (depending on Field Day) MWC Assembly (PM)
June 18 .. Grade 5 BBQ and game day
April 22, 2015
Vacation Fun
Looking for something fun to do on vacation? The Lego Brick Fair is happening at the Radison May 2nd and May 3rd. Click on the link below for more details!
Also for Star Wars lovers!
April 18, 2015
March 13, 2015
Happy Pi Day!
We have to celebrate tomorrow, Wednesday, because of the blizzard. We have a bunch of mathematicians who get all excited when decimal answers repeat and we need to draw the vinculum sign. So naturally we had to celebrate Pi Day!
So to celebrate we will do some pi/pie themed activities and contests... should be fun!
One last thing!
Here's a great math video to give you even more information on Pi!
So to celebrate we will do some pi/pie themed activities and contests... should be fun!
One last thing!
Happy Pi Day!
March 12, 2015
Smarter Balanced Test
Grade 5 Smarter Balanced
Mrs. Watson's Class
APRIL 16, 17, 20, 21, & 22
Take the practice test!
March 9, 2015
February 24, 2015
My Trip to Barnes & Noble
![]() |
To read or not to read, that is the question? |
Well I know some of you were not thrilled with Wonder by R.J. Palacio, and others were really enjoying it. I think we will take a different approach to reading it after vacation. I really love the book, but can understand that the emotion outweighs the funny in the novel. So that said, I have a new book to add in to our afternoon! I know at least 50% of you already love this author...
Am I right? I think it will help breakup the emotional story and all the report writing we have been working on in the afternoon! I'm interested to see if those who have not yet read any of Rick Riordan's books (like me), think he is a good author.
If not, I have plan C. I'm pretty sure y'all will like this one! Has anybody read this? I think it will be a page turner! Make sure to read over vacation!
February 16, 2015
February 12, 2015
February 11, 2015
Homework Schedule
We will have math tonight 2/11 and KidBlog tomorrow night as usual. The unit 22 spelling test will be Friday. We ran out of time last week, so we will not start a new unit considering it is a three day week!
February 7, 2015
February 6, 2015
February 5, 2015
Odds & Ends
- Wear red tomorrow to support the American Heart Association!
- Tuesday, February 10th our STEAM project is due. Please feel free to come in early on Tuesday morning or Monday after school until four to setup.
- Please send in can food and nonperishable items for New Horizons. The kindergarten classes are collecting the items and hoping that every class can reach 100 donated items, in hour of the 100th day of school!
- We will have a Valentine's Day party next Friday. Students who wish to may participate in a Valentine card exchange!
- Progress reports are next week!
January 29, 2015
Patriot's DAY at Green Acres!
Wear your Pat's gear tomorrow! I forgot to remind you all at school today! Sorry I hope you see this post in time!!!
No Sea Hawks gear allowed! HAHAHA!!!
January 25, 2015
Here is a screen shot.... It looks pretty neat! I like how you can scan through all the thumbnail views, to prioritize what order you want to read the posts. There are a few new backgrounds and other new features. Happy Blogging! <3
January 9, 2015
Deluxe Desk Challenge
STEAM... Don't forget the ART!!
Deluxe Desk S.T.E.A.M Challenge
Is your desk blah? Boring, crowded, or uncomfortable? Upgrade it! Using the premises of science, technology, engineering, art, and math, redesign your desk based on the measurements below. You can use any materials you like to make your desk awesome, more comfortable, or whatever you feel is important.
Possible Supply list, but not limited to these only:
Fabric, stuffing, needle, thread, Lego, insulated wire, batteries, motor, switch, duct tape, cardboard, paint, electronics as needed, arts/crafts supplies
*You must be able to undo your creation at a later date… In other words, we cannot damage any chairs or desks in the process of our creations or final products.
Be ready with your creation/invention for Tuesday, Feb 10th! Also, prepare an advertisement (either print or video) and explain your final product using persuasive language. Advertisement Due Feb. 11th!
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